Innovation for a Rapidly Changing World

Since 2002, Strategic Operations, Inc. (STOPS) has provided Hyper-Realistic® tactical training services and products to the military, law enforcement, first responders, and other organizations responsible for homeland security. STOPS pioneered the introduction of “Hollywood” style special effects and practices into live tactical training – explosions, weapons, realistic props, foreign language speaking actors, and casualty actors.

STOPS has added Hyper-Realistic® training support of civilian medical providers to its portfolio of products and services.

STOPS continues to introduce innovative solutions to overcome the challenges of training military personnel, law enforcement personnel, first responders, and medical providers/surgical teams. STOPS is dedicated and focused on maximizing training value by outfitting individuals and organizations with essential training products to accomplish missions and save lives.

STOPS also provides Hyper-Realistic® training environments resembling actual scene conditions offering participants “Stress Inoculation.” Active threats and mass casualty incidents have been increasing in frequency and complexity throughout the United States – throughout the world, law enforcement and medical emergency response teams have struggled to manage actual events. A significant contributor to this reality is the way in which first responders are able to or unable to train for these incidents. 

Many lack the time, funding, and facilities to adequately prepare. STOPS draws upon many years of experience to provide a fully immersive training environment at the Tactical Training Lab in San Diego, CA or at any location throughout the world.

Are you prepared?

STOPS Rapid Response Refuge units configure to your needs, providing safety, security, and structure.

Introducing Strategic Habitats™ by Strategic Operations

Innovative, Affordable, Long-Term Solution for Temporary Housing for Homeless Families

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