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Research and Development / Rapid Prototyping

Thousands of military personnel have trained at STOPS during which many lessons learned have been incorporated into the design of facilities and equipment. This fertile ground has also contributed to innovative research and development and rapid prototyping. Among the products developed are: Re-locatable Habitat Units (RHU), Get The Forces Off/On (GETFO) rapid egress system for troop-carrying military trucks, special effects devices, props, simulated weapons, the Human Worn Partial Task Simulator (Cut Suit), and the Hyper-Realistic Moulage Kit (HRMK).

STOPS uses state-of-the-art 3D printers to research, develop, and manufacture simulated human organs, tissues, vessels, and many other items for all type of simulation systems.

STOPS is involved in research and development under a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) with Naval Medical Center San Diego and is assisting in research of enroute surgical resuscitation procedures aboard tilt-rotor aircraft. Previously STOPS worked with Naval Health Research Center under its Simulated Ambulant Laboratory Technology (SALT II) contract and the Office of Naval Research, the Army Research Lab, JPC-1.